April 25, 2009

~Ahhh... Spa Day's ~

Today I was able to get a 90 minute massage with my Sister. It was SO nice!! And SO needed !! I feel so much better. Matt and I have been working really hard getting the Bride's Room all remodeled and beautiful these past few weeks. And yard work here and up to the ranch. I have been really sore, so my sweet and wonderful Hubby told me to go pamper myself and get a massage. Thank You so much honey! I LOVED my massage! I also got pedicure yesterday with my best kitty friend Christine.(If you know us you will understand) It was very needed and very nice to get away with the girls for a couple of hours. I have great friends and great family. I'm so blessed. Now off to get some thing's done for Girl's Camp..... Here we go again :)

April 16, 2009

<*BrItNeY cOnCerT *>

My sister and her friend Brandi got tickets to Britney and the Pussy Cat Dolls. I know, I know. YOU WENT TO BRITNEY!?! I have had people saying I cannot believe your going to HER concert. Well sorry to disappoint, but I went and it was FUN! Besides I do listen to her music. It is great during a workout at the gym :)We met at the Gateway for dinner and headed over to the concert in the rain... Grr!! Our Cute hair ruined...Not too bad anyways. It was a great concert! Very entertaining and fun! We all had a blast dancing all night ! Man what a workout dancing in 5 inch heel's !The Pussy Cat Dolls put on a great show also! I finally can talk normal and hear today. Poor Matt, all day yesterday I kept saying "What honey??". Thanks girls for the great time! And Matty THANK YOU for the Christmas present :) Love Ya!

April 14, 2009

~A Beautiful Easter Day~

What a beautiful and busy Easter Sunday. The day started early. I woke up early and made my famous sugar cookies. Matt insisted on them. I love them way too much! I think I may have eaten my fair share. At least a dozen..Oops! I should have taken pictures they turned out to be beautiful. I put them in a huge decorated Easter basket. MMmm Mmm.. They were a hit! Very delish! Church at 9am. There were many great Lessons and speakers. My heart was filled with love for our savior Jesus Christ and all of the things he has done for us. Two meetings after church. Then more cooking. Matt made a delish Ham...Mmmm. Holidays are great "free" days to eat yummy food. Then we headed to the Ranch for an Easter Egg Hunt and dinner. After the hunt Dad took us up the mountain for a hike to see the latest project on the house. A pipeline and water tanks for an indoor sprinkler system. We went up pretty far. The view was beautiful up there! It was great to visit with family. We then headed to my parents to visit them and took them some treats and talked. We love our families and are so grateful for them!

April 11, 2009

~Easter Message~

**Please pause music below to watch video.

In recognition of the Easter season, the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued the following Easter message:

"At this Easter season of hope and renewal we testify of the glorious reality of the atonement and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The empty tomb brought comforting assurance and provided the answer to the question of Job, 'If a man die, shall he live again?' (Job 14:14). Because of the Savior's resurrection we will overcome death and become the beneficiaries of His mercy and grace. In a world of trouble and uncertainty, His peace fills our hearts and eases our minds. Jesus is in very deed 'the way, the truth, and the life' (John 14:6).

"We give our sure witness that Jesus is the Christ. Though He was crucified, He rose triumphant from the tomb to our everlasting blessing and benefit. To each member of the human family He stands as our Advocate, our Savior, and our Friend."

President Thomas S. Monson and his counselors, President Henry B. Eyring and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, constitute the First Presidency of the Church.

April 5, 2009

There is Sunshine in my Soul...

This was one of the opening hymns in conference yesterday. I love conference time and the messages and council we receive from our prophets through revelation from our Father in Heaven. It truly brings "sunshine to my soul" to be a member of the church. We as members are always needing constant reminders of the things we should be doing. Here are a few short quotes from conference I enjoyed.
Pres. Monson* "Be of good cheer-Overcome the world."
* "Your future is as bright as your faith."
Elder Snow
* "Get on with your life, have faith to move forward."
* "Be of good cheer."
Elder Hales
* "Live within our means, be content with what we have."
Elder Uchtdorf
* "Hunger for meaning & purpose to life. "
* " The gospel is a divine gift, the Lord gave us the keys (Gospel)which unlocks happiness, peace, and fulfillment.
* "It is ALWAYS right & the right time to walk in his ways. It is NEVER too late. "
* "Now is the time."
There are just too many to list. A couple years ago I tried something new while watching conference. I took notes. And I found I listened a lot better, and was able to reflect upon the things I took from the messages. I love the Gospel and I'm so thankful for it. I'm also thankful for my wonderful husband for who he is and the example he is to me and to others. I love my wonderful family. Matt and I are so blessed with our wonderful parents and siblings with their cute little families. We are so blessed in our lives. Be of good cheer! Have a happy day! Jen