This was one of the opening hymns in conference yesterday. I love conference time and the messages and council we receive from our prophets through revelation from our Father in Heaven. It truly brings "sunshine to my soul" to be a member of the church. We as members are always needing constant reminders of the things we should be doing. Here are a few short quotes from conference I enjoyed.
Pres. Monson* "Be of good cheer-Overcome the world."
* "Your future is as bright as your faith."
Elder Snow* "Get on with your life, have faith to move forward."
* "Be of good cheer."
Elder Hales* "Live within our means, be content with what we have."
Elder Uchtdorf* "Hunger for meaning & purpose to life. "
* " The gospel is a divine gift, the Lord gave us the keys (Gospel)which unlocks happiness, peace, and fulfillment.
* "It is ALWAYS right & the right time to walk in his ways. It is NEVER too late. "
* "Now is the time."
There are just too many to list. A couple years ago I tried something new while watching conference. I took notes. And I found I listened a lot better, and was able to reflect upon the things I took from the messages. I love the Gospel and I'm so thankful for it. I'm also thankful for my wonderful husband for who he is and the example he is to me and to others. I love my wonderful family. Matt and I are so blessed with our wonderful parents and siblings with their cute little families. We are so blessed in our lives. Be of good cheer! Have a happy day! Jen