We were able to go camping over Pioneer Day Weekend. It was nice to have a little bit of a getaway together. We had never been camping there before and thought we would try somewhere new. We were amazed together what is on the Nebo Loop. The red rock pictures you see is "Devils Kitchen" . My dad says I have been there before, but I did not remember anything like that. We also went on a little hike to a cute little lake that has a ton of fish in it. Man wish we had our poles. We went with some friends of ours and had a nice time together. My friend Debbie and her husband spoiled us with his yummy dutch oven cooking. It was great! We had a great time on our 4- wheeler for like 5 minutes. We ran into a slight problem... You cannot ride ATV"s up there. P.S. there were not any signs anywhere! That is until we started up a trail maybe 300 ft from our campsite. There was a sign... We were BUMMED OUT! So like law abiding citizens we turned around and did not go up that trail. Instead went back to camp and got some lawn chairs, magazines & snacks to chill in the river. All relaxed and cooling down all of a sudden an egotistical Ranger showed up. To make a long story short wrote a ticket for $175.00 for having our 4-wheeler out of the truck in a no ATV area. No warning anything! What a Jerk is all I have to say! We were together having fun so that is all that matters, but I keep thinking of other thing's I would much rather buy than a 5 minute ride on my own 4 wheeler for $175.00! :)
July 29, 2008
2 WeeKs oF FuN !!
** Camping Nebo Loop **

We were able to go camping over Pioneer Day Weekend. It was nice to have a little bit of a getaway together. We had never been camping there before and thought we would try somewhere new. We were amazed together what is on the Nebo Loop. The red rock pictures you see is "Devils Kitchen" . My dad says I have been there before, but I did not remember anything like that. We also went on a little hike to a cute little lake that has a ton of fish in it. Man wish we had our poles. We went with some friends of ours and had a nice time together. My friend Debbie and her husband spoiled us with his yummy dutch oven cooking. It was great! We had a great time on our 4- wheeler for like 5 minutes. We ran into a slight problem... You cannot ride ATV"s up there. P.S. there were not any signs anywhere! That is until we started up a trail maybe 300 ft from our campsite. There was a sign... We were BUMMED OUT! So like law abiding citizens we turned around and did not go up that trail. Instead went back to camp and got some lawn chairs, magazines & snacks to chill in the river. All relaxed and cooling down all of a sudden an egotistical Ranger showed up. To make a long story short wrote a ticket for $175.00 for having our 4-wheeler out of the truck in a no ATV area. No warning anything! What a Jerk is all I have to say! We were together having fun so that is all that matters, but I keep thinking of other thing's I would much rather buy than a 5 minute ride on my own 4 wheeler for $175.00! :)
We were able to go camping over Pioneer Day Weekend. It was nice to have a little bit of a getaway together. We had never been camping there before and thought we would try somewhere new. We were amazed together what is on the Nebo Loop. The red rock pictures you see is "Devils Kitchen" . My dad says I have been there before, but I did not remember anything like that. We also went on a little hike to a cute little lake that has a ton of fish in it. Man wish we had our poles. We went with some friends of ours and had a nice time together. My friend Debbie and her husband spoiled us with his yummy dutch oven cooking. It was great! We had a great time on our 4- wheeler for like 5 minutes. We ran into a slight problem... You cannot ride ATV"s up there. P.S. there were not any signs anywhere! That is until we started up a trail maybe 300 ft from our campsite. There was a sign... We were BUMMED OUT! So like law abiding citizens we turned around and did not go up that trail. Instead went back to camp and got some lawn chairs, magazines & snacks to chill in the river. All relaxed and cooling down all of a sudden an egotistical Ranger showed up. To make a long story short wrote a ticket for $175.00 for having our 4-wheeler out of the truck in a no ATV area. No warning anything! What a Jerk is all I have to say! We were together having fun so that is all that matters, but I keep thinking of other thing's I would much rather buy than a 5 minute ride on my own 4 wheeler for $175.00! :)
** A visit with Grandma Lamb**

Matt and I along with his parents, went down to Price to have a visit with Grandma. Is'nt she just the cutest? She is doing well and still spunky. We all went out for mexican food. Dave and Staci came down also woth the kids. It was really nice to see her. We really miss her up here.
Matt and I along with his parents, went down to Price to have a visit with Grandma. Is'nt she just the cutest? She is doing well and still spunky. We all went out for mexican food. Dave and Staci came down also woth the kids. It was really nice to see her. We really miss her up here.
** Camping/Family Reunion**

We had a BIG family reunion up at the ranch on the 19Th, It was a lot of FUN! I don't have any pictures of the reunion unfortunately, but I do of camping that night. The Reunion was pretty fun for me. It's a lot more fun to act like a little kid... So I did :) I got in water fights, chased fish up the stream, went down the BIG water slide, raced across the pond, water rafts in the pond... I could go on & on ! I did not take any pictures really, cause I had too much fun. That night we camped up at the ranch in the pasture with a couple of Matt's brothers and their families. It was a great time. Our trailer became the game table for the night for some of our nieces & nephews. They are cute! We love the little stinkers!
We had a BIG family reunion up at the ranch on the 19Th, It was a lot of FUN! I don't have any pictures of the reunion unfortunately, but I do of camping that night. The Reunion was pretty fun for me. It's a lot more fun to act like a little kid... So I did :) I got in water fights, chased fish up the stream, went down the BIG water slide, raced across the pond, water rafts in the pond... I could go on & on ! I did not take any pictures really, cause I had too much fun. That night we camped up at the ranch in the pasture with a couple of Matt's brothers and their families. It was a great time. Our trailer became the game table for the night for some of our nieces & nephews. They are cute! We love the little stinkers!
July 14, 2008
Memory Tag!!
This was on my friend Cody's blog, I thought it was fun. Here is how it goes: 1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! 2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
July 11, 2008
Whoever knows me knows that I have never enjoyed running as a form of exercise. Our ward has a running group that runs together daily. Some of the ladies have been telling me to come and try it. So this week I decided to give it a whirl. I must say it was not that bad. I just might start going a few days a week just to mix things up. I kept up pretty good, which I was happy about for sure! My shins hurt pretty good this week. I will need to stretch better next time. So we will see.
July 5, 2008
A post for the 4Th...
Have any of you ever taken your camera somewhere and forgotten to use it? Or just got too lazy to take some pictures? Well that was me over the 3rd and 4Th . Oops! Matt and I went camping up to the ranch with my Parents, Erica & Walter. (My sisters cute little dog) I had full intention of taking some great pictures and did not. I think maybe it was the heat. We went up Thursday night and had a great little BBQ. And sat out under the beautiful starry sky. On the 4Th Matt's parents came up for breakfast it was so yummy. We made pancakes with fresh strawberries and blueberries on top and some chocolate chip banana pancakes. Mmm Mmm.. If you have never had these they are easy and good! Just mash a few bananas and add to your mixtre. Then put the mixture on the grill. While cooking the 1st side sprinkle the uncooked side with chocolate chips. Flip over and enjoy. We then sat around for a while and just talked. It was so nice to just sit and do nothing at all. Mom & Dad Conrad then went down to the house after to prepare for the party later on. Matt, Erica & I 4 wheeled a bit to cool off and then we went wading in the ponds. Brr that water was cold! It felt so goo though. Matt ended up getting us soaked. It felt great! We headed back to camp for a while to relax some more. We packed up and headed down the mountain to the house for a BBQ. It was great fun! Matt's Sister Christine announced they are having another baby :) Yeah! Congrats to them! We headed for home sweet home. Not a long trip , but a nice little getaway. Hope you all had a great 4Th! I'm so grateful for this wonderful land we live in. And for the wonderful men and women that sacrifice so much for our freedom. Thank you for all you do!
July 1, 2008
Yes! Finally! Notice any changes? I have figured out how to change my template. I did not even erase my entire blog. I was scared to try it in fear I would erase or totally mess up my blog. It was pretty easy once I messed around with it a bit.
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